Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, it's here! You know I am grinning ear to ear right now because it's here it's here! Sassafras has arrived. I came to the store this morning just to snipe out the UPS man's arrival for all of my, yes my, new Sassafras goodness. He got here and I was outta the door standing by his truck. It kinda scared him but hey, I'll do what I gotta do for my favorite products. He doesn't even realize the precious cargo that he carries. He must think, this crazee freakin lady is stalking me for a box of paper, c'mon. Anyways, I am putting it all in the system now and pricing it and putting it out. It will be ready for your fingers Tuesday morning. So, come and get it!
Here's a reminder at just how yummy it all is!
That is only a fraction of what we got. So, come in and see the rest and take it home to create. I know I am.
Happy Happy Monday to me! and you, of course!
I love that little elephant!!!